Ein Interview mit Darío Mascambroni

For English Version

Nach einem der Screenings zu „Mochila de Plomo“ traf ich den Regisseur Darío Mascambroni und unterhielt mich mit ihm, über den Prozess eine Familiengeschichte zu einem Film zu machen. Außerdem erfuhr ich was seine Zukunftspläne sind und welche Berufe er in der Filmbranche ausübt.

Er erzählte mir, dass die Geschehnisse, in seinem neusten Film, angelehnt an ein Ereigniss in seiner Familie sind und dass ihm ein Satz eines Verwandten im Kopf geblieben ist. Dieser sagte am Tag der Entlassung des Mörders, dass das Kind diesen finden und ihn töten würde. Daraufhin dachte er viel über die Einsamkeit des Kindes, in dieser Situation, nach und schrieb eine erste Version des Drehbuchs.
Mit dieser Idee gewann er einen Wettbewerb in Argentinien, der es ihm ermöglichte diesen Film, mit der Unterstützung des argentinischen Film Instituts, umzusetzen.

Er und sein Team casteten über 200 Jungs, um die Passenden für alle Rollen zu finden. Diese Jungs werden im April, bei einem Filmfestival in Buenos Aires, zum ersten Mal denn Film sehen – Dario vermutet, dass dies „ein besonderes Erlebnis“ wird.

Als ich ihn fragte, ob er an neuen Projekten arbeitete, antwortete er mir, dass er an einem neuen Drehbuch arbeitet und er an einem Film seiner Freundin beteiligt ist. Außerdem wird er bald in Argentinien, als Regieassistent, Teil einer Filmproduktion eines Freundes sein.

Unten könnt ihr das komplette Interview auf Englisch lesen. 🙂

An interview with Darío Mascambroni

After one of the screenings of „Mochila de Plomo“ I sat down with Darío, the director, and asked him some questions about the process of making this movie. Also he told me about his plans for the future.

fGR: First of all I wanted to ask you how you developed the idea for your movie and if it is connected to your personal story?
DM: Yes, the idea comes from my story, it happened to someone in my family. I remember a phrase that someone said during the day the murderer got out of prison: “Okay, the kid is going to find him and kill him.” So I thought about the loneliness the kid was going through and how dangerous a situation like this is. After this I tried to make a movie out of that experience, even though it’s just a movie and not completely the true story.

fGR: How did you find your actors? At the Q&A you told us that you casted 200 boys. Was it only for the main actor or for all the boys?
DM: We casted more than 200 and it was for all of the roles. We did a main casting during which we talked with the kids in a normal way and afterwards we continued working with a smaller group.

fGR: How long was the process of bringing this project to life?
DM: It was a long process, because I had a first version of the script and then it was part of a contest in Argentina. We won the first price and that’s how we got the opportunity to make the movie, with the support of the film institute in Argentina. From then until today we worked on it for more than three years. It seems long, but in Argentina it’s the regular time when you make a movie with the support of the film institute.

fGR: How do you want to spread the movie?
DM: We are part of a film festival in Switzerland next month and in April we are going to have our Argentinean premiere, at a film festival in Buenos Aires. Maybe it will be different because the kids will watch the movie for the first time. I guess it will be a very special experience for them!

fGR: Why did you decide that the murderer didn’t speak out about the reasons for killing the father?
DM: I think because it’s a tough situation, especially for the kid to listen to the killer. And also for the murderer, because he was friends with the father before… I think it would be weird if they would really be able to talk about it in this situation.

fGR: Are there any plans for the future? New projects…?
DM: Yes, of course! I love making movies and I am always thinking about new ideas. I’m working on a new script and my girlfriend won the same contest that I won. So we are going to make her movie.

fGR: Are you also co-working on other projects?
DM: Yes, I work as cameraman and for example when I’m back in Argentina I will be working as the assistant of a friend who is making a movie.

Thank you very much for the interview!

24.2.2018, Mia

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