Shit happens!

A comment on Ninjababy

23-year-old Rakel has a pretty normal life – she likes to party and enjoys the carefree lifestyle of a twentysomething. Until suddenly, out of nowhere, she finds out about being pregnant already in the 7th month. From one second to the other Rakel’s life is turned upside down – instead of wondering what to eat today, where to party or what she wants to do with her life after dropping out of university, Rakel suddenly has to deal with finding the father and what to do after an unwanted pregnancy. Luckily, Rakel’s roommate Ingrid and the aikido instructor Mos, who the two mistook for the father at first, support her on this emotional ride.

Pregnancies of young people is definitely not a new topic in generation films. „Ninjababy“, however, handles to find the perfect balance between comedy, complexity and emotions. By Rakel’s imagination, the unborn child comes to life as a small comic character which Rakel draws and comments everything Rakel does. Through a charming and funny way the audience experiences the difficulties which an unwanted pregnancy can cause. Rakel herself starts to have an emotional connection to the child through her drawings, which makes her decisions about who should or how to raise the child even more difficult.

All the way to the last second you can enjoy „Ninjababy“ the fullest while nothing is predictable and Rakel’s final decisions remain open until the very end. With the simple but strong animations, drama in the right moments and the fitting music director Yngvild Sve Flikke creates a well balanced movie with many layers. Actress Kristine Kujath Thorp manages to bring Rakel’s emotions and thoughts to the screen so well that the audience is included in the story and can empathize with her.

With „Ninjababy“ you get a perfectly composed movie, which portrays the complicated situation of an unwanted young mother, but still guarantees laughs and fun while watching. The screenings are on 13.06.2021 at 21:30h at „Freiluftkino Rehberge and on 15.06.2021 at 21:45 at „Freilichtbühne Weißensee.

07.06.2021, Clara Bahrs

  • Clara

    bezeichnet die Berlinale oft als 5. Jahreszeit. Während über das restliche Jahr Filme oft leider viel zu kurz kommen, sind die zehn Tage Berlinale dafür um so schöner, in denen man durch unterschiedlichste Filme im Generation-Programm Einblicke in Geschichten von jungen Protagonist:innen bekommt. Im mittlerweile sechsten Jahr mit den fGR freut sich Clara auf viele unvergessliche Filme, anregende Diskussionen, spannende Interviews und vor allem auf die einzigartige Berlinale Stimmung!

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