Football Dreams Amidst Serenity and Resistance

A comment on Raíz..

Majestic Andean mountain reliefs fill the screen, where young Feliciano spends his days traversing the vastness of the mountain world, tending to his family's alpaca herd and especially Ronaldo, his own alpaca, named after the football player. An avid football fan, Feliciano holds strong hope for Peru's qualification for the World Cup in Russia. 

Despite the breathtaking scenery, not everything is well in the Peruvian mountain region. Amid heartfelt pleas from his parents, cautioning Feliciano against venturing too close to the mine, the audience becomes acutely aware of the challenges facing the indigenous community. There are efforts, some from within their own ranks, to sell the land to facilitate further mining expansion. These individuals do not hesitate to resort to cruel measures, such as killing alpacas to set a precedent. However, the community resists, standing united, bolstered by their belief in the ancient legends of the land. 

The audience quickly becomes sympathetic towards the protagonists and their community because of the stunning landscape, paired with the cute appearance of the alpacas. The portrayal fosters a strong sense of empathy and incredulity towards the prospect of destroying such an idyllic setting and further polluting the landscape. 

© Johan Carrasco

"Raìz" maintains a slow pace, allowing ample space for the protagonists and enabling the viewer to absorb what they see.

In a mutual crescendo, the excitement for the World Cup qualification and the drama surrounding the land disputes in the village escalate. Powerful sky images, coupled with poignant music, reinforce this, leaving the film lingering long after it ends. „Raíz" leaves me thoughtful and saddened, contemplating the injustice and apparent hopelessness of their situation. It leaves me speechless at the cruelty inflicted to drive away the indigenous people by resorting to such brutal means as killing alpacas. 

It is important to showcase films like these to grab attention, touch people's hearts, and shed light on the human experience. Despite being a bit more slow, at times maybe a bit too slow, Raíz is a really impactful film that is definitely worth watching. 

  • Sarah

    Bereits als Kind besuchte Sarah mit ihrer Mutter und Schwester gemeinsam die Berlinale. Seitdem ist Berlinale Generation ein wichtiger Bestandteil ihres Lebens. Im Rahmen des Berlinaleprojekts "Junge Journalisten" konnte sie erste Festivalluft schnuppern. 2013 gründete sie mit weiteren Berlinaleenthusiast:innen die freien Generation Reporter:innen. Außerhalb der Berlinale studiert Sarah aktuell im Master in Aachen, spielt E-Bass in einer Band und geht wahnsinnig gerne bouldern.

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