Tag: last days at sea


“Once you leave you can never go back to who you were as a child” – An Interview with The Director Venice Atienza of “Last Days At Sea”

Wednesday morning I was able to talk to the director Venice Atienza whose film “Last Days at Sea” is screening at this year’s Berlinale. Since she is currently based in the Philippines we arranged a Zoom meeting that would take into account the 6 hours of time difference. An inspiring talk emerged that started with her special way of filming and lead to a discussion of vulnerability that is needed for these films. fGR: Would you like to introduce yourself shortly?My name is Venice Atienza. I initially studied cinema, but before that I actually wanted to be a chef. One day, when I was 16 or 17 years old, I was watching a Korean drama and I asked my mother: “What job makes people feel things?” and she replied by asking me “Why don’t you become a film maker?”. After applying for the secon...
“Once you leave you can never go back to who you were as a child” – Im Gespräch mit der Regisseurin Venice Atienza von “Last Days At Sea”

“Once you leave you can never go back to who you were as a child” – Im Gespräch mit der Regisseurin Venice Atienza von “Last Days At Sea”

Am Mittwochvormittag durfte ich mit der philippinischen Regisseurin Venice Atienza über Zoom sprechen, deren Dokumentarfilm “Last Days at Sea” im diesjährigen Berlinaleprogramm gezeigt wird. Es entspann sich ein inspirierendes Gespräch über ihre empatische Art, Filme zu drehen und was es heißt, sich auf der Leinwand als Regisseurin vulnerabel zu zeigen. fGR: Would you like to introduce yourself shortly? My name is Venice Atienza. I initially studied cinema, but before that I actually wanted to be a chef. One day, when I was 16 or 17 years old, I was watching a Korean drama and I asked my mother: “What job makes people feel things?” and she replied by asking me “Why don’t you become a film maker?”. After applying for the second time I finally got into film school. I really always kn...

The Last Days

A review to Last Days At Sea Sound of the sea and impressive nature shots. Many off-screen conversations, painted by other images. In Last Days At Sea, we join director and cinematographer Venice Atienza as the young Reyboy spends his last days at sea in his isolated village before moving to the city for secondary school. From the beginning, there is a feeling of family and comfort. The villagers welcome Venice openly and warmly, so that the audience also quickly feels at home. It is not the plot that is convincing in this film, but the observing. A feeling of summer and lightness arises. For a little over an hour, we escape from everyday city life and end up by the sea. Digging our feet into the sand, going for a swim, basking in the sun, eating Filipino cuisine and feeling the love and ...

Die letzten Tage

Eine Kritik zu Last Days At Sea Meeresrauschen und eindrucksvolle Naturaufnahmen. Viele Gespräche aus dem Off, die mit anderen Bildern untermalt sind. In Last Days At Sea begleiten wir mit Regisseurin und Kamerafrau Venice Atienza den Jungen Reyboy, der seine letzten Tage am Meer in seinem abgeschiedenen Heimatdorf verbringt, bevor er für die weiterführende Schule in die Stadt zieht. Von Anfang an kommt das Gefühl von Familie und Geborgenheit auf. Die Dorfbewohner*innen nehmen Venice offen und herzlich auf, sodass sich auch das Publikum schnell zuhause fühlt. Nicht die Handlung überzeugt in diesem Film, sondern das Beobachten. Ein Gefühl von Sommer und Leichtigkeit kommt auf. Für etwas über eine Stunde entziehen wir uns dem Stadtalltag und landen am Meer. Graben die Füße in den Sand, gehen...