Tag: Le Paradis

The Paradox of Freedom

The Paradox of Freedom

A comment on Le Paradis German version here. Not completely fit i’m already thinking about not going to the premiere of „Le Paradis“ (The Lost Boys) on sunday afternoon. As the film is only 83 minutes long i decide to go there after all, without any expectations. But already within the first scenes of the film I know that it was the right decision and I am very happy that I went there. "Le Paradis" touches me from the first minutes to the last second. Two and a half days later, I'm still so excited that I book a ticket for the last screening on Friday afternoon so that I can see Zeno Graton's feature film debut once again. Overall, "Le Paradis“ tells a story about two people in love - nothing unusual - but the place where the story is set is. Because Joe (Khalil Gharbia) and William (Jul...
Das Paradoxon der Freiheit

Das Paradoxon der Freiheit

Eine Kritik zu Le Paradis (The Lost Boys) English version here. Meine Erkältung noch nicht ganz auskuriert bin ich am Sonntagnachmittag schon am überlegen, ob ich meine Karte für die Premiere von „Le Paradis“ am Abend stornieren sollte. Im Hinterkopf, dass der Film mit seinen 83 Minuten recht kurz ist, beschließe ich dann doch noch hinzugehen und mache mich ohne große Erwartungen auf den Weg ins Kino. Doch schon bei den ersten Szenen des Filmes weiß ich, dass es die richtige Entscheidung war und bin unfassbar glücklich, dass ich mich doch dafür entschieden habe hinzugehen. Denn „Le Paradis“ berührt mich von den ersten Minuten hin bis zur letzten Sekunde. Zweieinhalb Tage später bin ich immer noch so begeistert, dass ich mir direkt ein Ticket für die letzte Vorstellung am Freitagnachmittag ...
Only love can create freedom

Only love can create freedom

"Le paradis (The Lost Boys)" is the feature debut of the Belgian director Zeno Graton, which premiered at the Berlinale 2023 in the Generation 14+ section. It's a rainy morning in Berlin when he and his two leading actors, Khalil Gharbia (Joe) and Julien de Saint Jean (William), enter the press lounge of the Berlinale Palace. Freie Generationen Reporter:innen: Mr. Graton, what is freedom to you? Zeno Graton (Director): Well, the thing about freedom, I tried to portray was, a form of freedom that is not linked to the physical freedom. Joe (Khalil Gharbia) for example, is going to get released, live in his own apartment, have his own job, but that is not freedom to him.He is looking for something else. He looks for a bond and what I tried to convey with this movie, was that only love can ...