Tag: Míng Tian Bi Zuo Tian Chang Jiu



After the premiere of Míng tian bi zuo tian chang jiu (Tomorrow Is a Long Time) I was intrigued by the process of making this film and the thoughts behind it. Thankfully, director Zhi Wei Jow stayed until the end of the festival and took some time out of his day to answer some of my most burning questions about his debut feature film. Freie Generation Reporter:innen: You were here in 2017 for the Talent Project Market. How does it feel to be back? Zhi Wei Jow: It’s amazing. When I was here in 2017, I watched a lot of films and realized that Berlin has such beautiful cinemas. I’d just been editing on a small laptop. So, seeing my film here on the big screen for the first time was such a moving experience. FGR: What has your favorite moment at Berlinale been? ZWJ: There are many things bu...

Tomorrow is going to be a long day

A review of Míng tian bi zuo tian chang jiuChua lives a life shaped by insect killers and working long hours all day round. His son Meng leads a life shaped by the need to conform and violence. Where one tries to put his views into practice and in the end fails because of migration laws, the other gives in to peer pressure and adapts. Both act against their will, both regret it, both will not be the same afterwards. And very far apart from each other.This section is always good for surprises. That should be no secret. Jumbo in 14plus, Sweet Thing in Kplus; few festivals would probably put Míng tian bi zuo tian chang jiu in their youth section. Too unpromising, too puzzled by a very unexpected change in tone. Perhaps also simply too slow. What some see here as a nap or simply a trainin...

Morgen wird ein langer Tag

Eine Kritik zu Míng tian bi zuo tian chang jiu Ein Leben geprägt durch Insektenvernichter und den ganzen Tag andauernde Arbeitszeiten führt Chua. Ein Leben geprägt durch Anpassungszwang und Gewalt führt sein Sohn Meng. Wo der eine versucht, seine Meinungen in die Tat umzusetzen und am Ende an Migrationsgesetzen scheitert, gibt sich der andere dem Gruppenzwang hin und passt sich an. Beide handeln gegen ihren Willen, beide bereuen es, beide werden danach nicht mehr dieselben sein. Und das sehr weit getrennt voneinander. Diese Sektion ist immer für Überraschungen gut. Das dürfte wohl kein Geheimnis sein. Jumbo in 14plus, Sweet Thing in Kplus; Míng tian bi zuo tian chang jiu würden wohl die wenigsten Festivals in ihre Jugendsektion stecken. Zu aussichtslos, zu rätselhaft wirkend durch ein...