Schlagwort: cryptozoo


“Because movies and art can be dreamlike” – Interview with Dash Shaw

Interview about the film CryptozooThe open-air cinema Rehberge is filling up more and more. The director of the film "Cryptozoo" Dash Shaw is invited on stage to receive the honorable mention for the best feature film from the international jury. After he says a few words about his film and leaves the stage, it gets quiet and the film starts. We walk out of the film with Dash Shaw to ask him a few questions: fGR (free generation reporter): The whole movie is really incredibly special animated. So first of all, I wanted to ask how was the process of the animation? Dash Shaw (director): It was first storyboarded. So then the storyboards kind of become the division of labor of how everything is organized. And then there's a casting process of casting different artists to do different backgrou...

“The best we can hope for is being treated as zoo animals.”

A comment on Cryptozoo.Atmospheric, almost mystical sounds of a flugelhorn waft through the animated forest where two young adults pave their way for the beginning of this story. Soon they come across a fence. Is it a better life that’s waiting behind this fence? Perhaps even a utopia? In the “Cryptozoo" located behind this fence, Cryptids can live carefree. Cryptids are mythical creatures that often find their origins in Greek mythology. For example, there is a griffin, a combination of a lion and a bird of prey, as well as a manticore, a combination of a scorpion and a lion. Many of the Cryptids are half human, half mythical creatures. In the outside world, they are persecuted, murdered or exploited. According to the operators, Cryptozoo is a kind of "sanctuary," a place where Cryptids c...

“The best we can hope for is being treated as zoo animals.”

Eine Kritik zu Cryptozoo.Atmosphärisch, fast ein wenig mystisch, wabern die Klänge eines Flügelhorns durch den animierten Wald, in dem zwei junge Erwachsene den Beginn dieser Geschichte ebnen. Recht bald stoßen sie auf einen Zaun. Wartet hinter diesem Zaun vielleicht ein besseres Leben? Eine Utopie? Im dem hinter dem Zaun gelegenen Cryptozoo können Cryptids sorgenfrei leben. Cryptids sind Fabelwesen, die häufig in der griechischen Mythologie ihren Ursprung finden. So gibt es beispielsweise einen Greif, eine Kombination aus Löwe und Raubvogel, aber auch einen Mantikor, eine Kombination aus Skorpion und Löwe. Viele der Cryptids sind halb Mensch, halb Fabelwesen. In der Außenwelt werden sie verfolgt, ermordet oder ausgenutzt. Laut der Betreiberinnen ist der Cryptozoo eine Art “Sanctuary”, ein...