Being strong until spring comes

A comment on Moja Vesna
„Why don’t you ever cry?“ – „I’m not allowing myself to, that’s why.“

After the sudden death of her mother, ten-year-old Moja and her family is left with a gaping hole. While her father is trying to ensure the care of his daughters and her older, pregnant sister Vesna expresses her feelings with writing, Moja tries to deal with the grief on her own way.

Moja quietly tries to keep the family together with taking almost a mother’s role: she arranges clothes for the baby that is coming soon, buys medicine for Vesna and a present for her birthday. It sometimes seems as if the two girls had switched positions – the younger sister taking responsibility, caring for her sister and handling tasks that shouldn’t be done at her age.

Vesna, on the other hand, is the only one who tries to communicate her feelings with writing, but she doesn’t find a real access to her younger sister, who doesn’t understand the metaphorical language. In other moments, Vesna runs away from the situation, represses her pregnancy and leaves Moja alone with the trying to somehow get structure into the family.

Although there isn’t much talking in the 80 minutes, director Sara Kern manages to give deep insight into a broken family and the feelings of everyone in her first feature film. Long, silent scenes with almost no music allow the audience to get close to Moja’s thoughts and actions and to enter into the scenes. Leading actress Loti Kovačič portrays Moja’s feelings in authentic way.

The title of the film „Moja Vesna“, is not only the combination of the two characters‘ names, but also means „my spring“ translated from Slovenian. This seems unfitting because of the family’s situation at first. But sometimes there are little sparks of hope – when Moja is at the skate park with her new friend, when the sisters can laugh together for a short moment, or when she begins to open up to her father. Like a little flower that tries to grow after a long and cold winter.

Moja Vesna“ is a very touching movie that makes you feel once again how important is to have close people you can talk to and stick together. I can recommend watching it.

Further screenings at the Berlinale:

Mo. 14.02. 15:30h Filmtheater am Friedrichshain
Tue. 15.02. 10:30h. House of World’s Cultures
Sat. 19.02. 14:00h House of World’s Cultures

14.02.2022, Clara Bahrs

  • Clara

    bezeichnet die Berlinale oft als 5. Jahreszeit. Während über das restliche Jahr Filme oft leider viel zu kurz kommen, sind die zehn Tage Berlinale dafür um so schöner, in denen man durch unterschiedlichste Filme im Generation-Programm Einblicke in Geschichten von jungen Protagonist:innen bekommt. Im mittlerweile sechsten Jahr mit den fGR freut sich Clara auf viele unvergessliche Filme, anregende Diskussionen, spannende Interviews und vor allem auf die einzigartige Berlinale Stimmung!

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